Tamara and Carolyn






Hi everyone!

Just want to share some information with you about using our skincare.

Firstly just know that what your skin does not need it will not absorb, so when choosing which one is right for you, don’t panic!  Our African Shea is an excellent all around face cream and can be used on almost every skin type.

*Application is the most important part, apply to a freshly cleaned face, just out of the shower/bath or after you have thoroughly washed your face.  Skin needs to be damp even on the wet side for full absorbtion.  We don’t want it sitting on top of your skin as this will only feel greasy and will attract dirt and pollutants creating further damage to your skin.

Have a great day and be you naturally and unapologetically!

The Me Store Team


Tamara and Carolyn



We want to start by introducing ourselves.  I am Tamara and my partner is Carolyn, we are a mother daughter team.  You can see our intro video on our facebook page, instagram and twitter pages (use the links at the bottom of our homepage).

We decided to start a blog so we can share our research, and our own personal journey/story.  We are sure you’ll relate and share in our stories!

The Me Store is all about you really, I have learned that if your not happy, your not taking care of yourself and your quality of life is, well…..for the most part, terrible.  Lord knows I’ve been there and won’t deny still take a trip to that unhappy place from time to time.  I can say that now at least I don’t stay, just visit.  It is important to us that you value yourself enough to take care of yourself in everyway, internally, externally and inspirationally.  When we feel good about ourselves we feel good about others, we empower others, we give and serve without expectation or keeping score.  Self Love = Love for All.   This is how we came up with our name, The Me Store – Me Taking Care of Me.  Everything starts and ends with you, so take care of you!

So wether you are looking to lose weight, fight an illness/disease, or just plain be happy with yourself we have something for you.

Here is an article you can copy and paste in your browser on the benefits of Green Tea.
